Sunday, December 12, 2010

Rickey after his night in.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Rickey's Night In

Rickey decided it was way too cold to go out with his friends tonight, so he settled for a night in of relaxation and bliss. Sushi, Mad Men, and a 2008 Protocolo wine. All of his favorite things.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

RR has been busy these past few weeks.

After an intense meeting in August to discuss the 2011 budgetary finance proposal overview draft plan, he flew to exotic Cancun to wine and dine his top-notch clients south of the border. He has to keep up with all of his accounts.

After he returned home, he went to several parties around town for only the very elite. Then he took a day off to have the tires rotated on his Mini Cooper.

Finally, RR got fancy and purchased iPads for everyone at the office. "We really think these new iPads will increase productivity and give the employees a much needed boost," said an assistant on his behalf.

Monday, August 30, 2010

What is new with Rickey?

Today he had his usual Monday morning meeting, where he discussed the FY2011 budget cuts and the impact the recession has had on his accounts. He then signed a lot of documents with a Cross Pen Apogee Executive AT0126-10 Fountain Pen Sterling Silver with Platinum Trim that someone gave him for his recent birthday.

A memo then went out to all departments stating that for Christmas, Rickey would like fine leathers, Italian cigars, and all the best wines that "can not be shipped to Alabama."

He then ate a barbeque sandwich and left work early.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Rickey, o a typical day off from work. Clearly not concerned with his wrongful termination lawsuit.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Today RR had to fire a guy. Apparently someone complained the employee had used too much toilet paper. The allegations were proven to be all too true.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Roller Rickey called an emergency all-hands-on corporate meeting today at 11:45 am - 1:30 pm exactly.

Seeing as how the meeting made him miss the company's regularly scheduled lunch hour, he was prepared as he took his seat at the head of the table.

"Oh, you guys don't mind if I eat, do you?"

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Roller Rickey just returned from a weeklong vacation to Vegas. He had a blast and played the craps tables all night long. He played Blackjack and Keno and went to see Garth Brooks' Vegas show. He also toured the Hoover Dam and entertained/threw a party for his fine clients in his luxury suite at the MGM Grand. After all, he is a CEO.

He declines to say how much money he won... or lost. Don't worry though, he alway has a plan. Roller Rickey Horton never declares bankruptcy. He just transfers his debt to William Charles Snider.

Monday, July 19, 2010

All cats work in accounts. Not accounting, per say, but accounts. On a recent teleconference, Roller Rickey recently found out how true that was, and that he has fierce competition in the Japanese market.

The video:

RR at dinner upon seeing the video:

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Today RR had a fun day. He went to his annual company picnic and made the rounds. The only problem was... well, he forgot to tell anyone where he was headed.

For several nerve-wrenching hours, a search team drove around looking for the CEO, but they had no luck. Apparently, RR's cell phone had gone dead as well, since he wasn't answering.

Finally, around 4 pm, RR came strolling home, acting like it was nothing.

Yeesh, you'd think he would at least be courteous enough to invite the people he keeps to his company picnic.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

RR was so stressed out and tired on Friday, he came home and just crashed all night. He watched his favorite show, Planet Earth on DVD and ate two-thirds of a pound of raw shrimp he'd had flown in from the East coast.

On Saturday morning, he went to the mall to do his laps.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mr. Roller Rickey hosted a dinner party at his home for all of favorite employees. Yes, he has favorites. Dinner was cheezburger catterole finished with a 2006 Cycles Gladiator Cabernet Sauvignon California. Shh... RR won't tell if you won't.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Roller Rickey Horton is a Fat Cat Republican. Oh, you better believe it alright. This was taken from his iPhone at a party tonight for a certain Republican candidate. The dog beside him is his personal assistant who runs his errands and does his laundry.

Unfortunately, because RR is a CEO, we can't tell you who he supports.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

This weekend, RR is hosting a private party at Bonefish for some of his closest associates and clients.

Today, he had a barbeque sandwich for lunch from Lawlers. He drank two cups of water and complained that he thought his "sugar might be actin' up again." This afternoon, he finished reviewing the budget for the 2011 fiscal year and then went outside and smoked an imported Cuban cigar.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Today Roller Rickey was very upset when he discovered raw oysters were probably going to be off of a lot of seafood menus for a while due the oil spill.

So he had to settle for his second favorite lunch - a fresh bird outside his office window. Shh... don't tell anyone.

Above he is pictured going off about the 2010 budget cuts.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

This past weekend, Double R made a midnight run to Kentucky with some associates. Yep, Roller Rickey is all about the Kentucky Derby - held of course in his collegiate state of Kentucky.

Since the UK fiasco a couple of months ago and the money Roller Rickey lost, he decided to stop putting all of his eggs into one basket - or all of his money into one horse.

He looked at the odds very carefully, then decided upon two obvious choices:

American Lion - Chosen because RR considers himself A Lion among Cats
Dean's Kitten - Chosen because RR was once a kitten himself, and therefore felt a connection

Unfortunately for RR, neither of his choices won.

Guess who had a cool 100 G on Super Saver? Oh you guess it.



Sunday, April 25, 2010

Roller Rickey enjoyed his favorite restaurant again on Friday, and sat at his special corner booth. He order raw oysters, and ate two dozen. Upon finishing the oysters, he was nearly kicked out for lighting up a cigar inside.

He settled for a cup of coffee instead.

After work, he was fitted for a new suit. He wore it to the Lutheran church this morning.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

This was Roller Rickey on New Years. This picture was never supposed to be shown. To anyone.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Double R watched this today.

He had no words. Just no words.

You see, he went to business school with Leonard, who was a show-off all through college. Leonard thought he was hot stuff because he was the son of the inventor of cat nip mice.

Apparently, Leonard still thinks he's hot stuff since he has his own sitcom.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

This weekend, Roller Rickey is enjoying himself in his weekend getaway cabin.

Like most Americans, he dreads Monday.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Today RR sent one of his IT guys down to the Apple store to check out the iPad.

The IT guy decided it would be great if they were a music company, but sadly, they are not.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Roller Rickey enjoyed a barbeque sandwich today for lunch, then headed into an intense 1 pm all-staff meeting.

After that, he was caught licking himself in his office, then he considered running a Ponzi scheme of sorts.

Then he considered otherwise.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Roller Rickey has an account executive on a trip this week. Apparently, this morning he became so concerned that they were spending too much money and he made them go to a Kinko's to scan and fax in their receipts.

RR can be quite the tyrant.

Today RR enjoyed delicious lunch of raw oysters at Wintzell's with some of his top-tier associates. He then returned to his mid-rise office where he enjoyed his afternoon cigars before going inside.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

So, this is Roller Rickey. He is a Cat Executive Officer. He graduated with a Master of Cat Administration for the University of Kentucky, where he loved Wildcats basketball. Roller Rickey is UK obsessed. He lost an unspeakable amount of money last month, pitched a fit, and tore up some curtains. He declined to comment further, and we won't speculate on his gambling losses.

Roller Rickey drives a Mini Cooper. He sometimes carpools with other cats who work in Research Park. His Mini Cooper is red with a white top. So whenever you see one driving down the road, you better believe it's him. He's been thinking about trading it in for a Porsche.

This morning, he is putting on his best suit and going to church. RR is a Lutheran. No idea why, since neither of the people he owns were raised Lutheran. Apparently, someone from work got him into it by inviting him to church. The rest is catstory.