Sunday, June 20, 2010

RR was so stressed out and tired on Friday, he came home and just crashed all night. He watched his favorite show, Planet Earth on DVD and ate two-thirds of a pound of raw shrimp he'd had flown in from the East coast.

On Saturday morning, he went to the mall to do his laps.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mr. Roller Rickey hosted a dinner party at his home for all of favorite employees. Yes, he has favorites. Dinner was cheezburger catterole finished with a 2006 Cycles Gladiator Cabernet Sauvignon California. Shh... RR won't tell if you won't.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Roller Rickey Horton is a Fat Cat Republican. Oh, you better believe it alright. This was taken from his iPhone at a party tonight for a certain Republican candidate. The dog beside him is his personal assistant who runs his errands and does his laundry.

Unfortunately, because RR is a CEO, we can't tell you who he supports.